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Monday, October 23, 2017

As Xi further pushes China’s reach, the world pushes back

NYT News Service | Updated: Oct 23, 2017, 11:58 IST


  • Xi has already enjoyed remarkable success in expanding Chinese influence, not only in Asia, but beyond.
  • Yet signs of friction in different parts of the world raise questions about how long China’s winning streak can continue.
  • Despite doubts, Xi shows no sign of retreat and hints at even bigger spending to vault China to world greatness.
BEIJING: No part of the world seems too small, too near or too far for China's globe-trotting president, Xi Jinping.

He has traveled to the tiny Pacific islands of Fiji, toured the neighboring nations of Central Asia and signaled his interest in Antarctica with a visit to Tasmania, off Australia's southern coast. This month, he sent Chinese warships to dock in London, a reminder of how much has changed since British gunboat diplomacy humiliated China in the 19th century.

Xi is pushing a vision of national rejuvenation during the current Communist Party congress, which is expected to give him a second five-year term by Wednesday. And central to his ambitions is a far-reaching drive to restore China to what he considers its rightful place as a global power.

"Xi's aggressive diplomacy largely comes from his own aspirations, beliefs and strategic requirements," said Shi Yinhong, a professor of international relations at Renmin University.

Xi has already enjoyed remarkable success expanding Chinese influence, not only in Asia, but also in Africa, Europe and as far away as South America. He has benefited from President Donald Trump's election, which has made it easier for him to present China as a stable, responsible alternative to an erratic, inward-looking US.

Yet signs of friction in different parts of the world raise questions about how long China's winning streak can continue, and point to the challenges that Xi faces in a second term as he presses the assertive brand of foreign policy he favors.

In Australia, the government is vexed by what it sees as Beijing's interference in domestic politics. In Europe, politicians are raising an alarm over heavy-handed trade tactics aimed at acquiring foreign technology. In Southeast Asia and Africa, there are complaints about a new era of Chinese colonialism.

China's ties with two regional heavyweights — Japan and India — remain strained, and Xi faces an unusually precarious situation on the Korean Peninsula, with both the North and the South defying him, one building a nuclear arsenal and the other deploying American missile defenses.

Still, in a marathon opening speech last week, Xi showed no sign of retreat and hinted at even bigger spending to vault China to world greatness: more for the military to make it a first-class fighting outfit with global reach, and more for his overseas infrastructure program, the "One Belt, One Road" initiative, which he sees as a way to win friends around the world.

Deng Xiaoping, the architect of China's economic reforms," set a policy of keeping a low profile in international affairs and biding time. But more than his predecessors, Xi is abandoning that approach — and encountering pushback.

In Germany, a sharp increase in Chinese investment has prompted complaints that China is closing its markets even as it goes on a buying spree abroad, especially of valuable technology companies. Policymakers are considering options for retaliating.

There are also concerns that China is trying to divide the European Union by cultivating poorer countries like Hungary and Greece and using them to block policies supported by richer countries that hurt Beijing.

Rising powers always face resistance. But in China's case, that pushback comes not just from the West but also from neighbors who remember the tributary system of its imperial past — or are wary of its Communist political system despite its embrace of capitalism decades ago.

Xi has made inroads in Southeast Asia, gaining influence in Myanmar, Malaysia and Thailand. But improving ties with Myanmar's civilian leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, have been offset by the deep popular mistrust of China in that country.

In Malaysia, Beijing's investments in infrastructure have been met with accusations that the nation is selling off its sovereignty. And in Thailand, a rail project important to a new trade route from southern China has been delayed.

In Vietnam, China's efforts to take advantage of Trump's neglect have fallen short, said professor Alexander L. Vuving of the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies in Honolulu. "Xi's pressure in the midst of a weakening US commitment has forced some concessions but it has also deepened Hanoi's mistrust of Beijing," he said.

Even in the Philippines, where the strongman president Rodrigo Duterte has cozied up to Beijing and distanced himself from the US, Xi has not enjoyed a complete victory. American drones and spy planes have been more decisive in Duterte's battle against Islamic militants than the rifles donated by China.

"The quantities of arms sent are not significant compared to the amount needed by the armed forces and the police," said Roilo Golez, a former congressman. "Five thousand rifles are very minimal and token."

Xi has sometimes succeeded in positioning China as a responsible power by stepping up when Washington has stepped back — speaking up for globalization at Davos, or in favor of the Paris climate change accord.

"People are paying far more attention to China's influence operations than I have seen before," said Dan Blumenthal, director of Asian studies at the American Enterprise Institute.

Beijing has struggled to sway global opinion without resorting to heavy-handed methods or threats that can be counterproductive.

In Australia, which China has sought to use as a kind of pilot zone to test methods that could be adopted in the US and Europe, Xi has already encountered a backlash.

China has encouraged Chinese businessmen to give to political campaigns, recruited Chinese students to press its policies in classrooms and mobilized local Chinese-language news media.

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